Friday, January 25, 2013

The Fates

Have you seen Hercules the cartoon?  Remember the fates?  Those three sisters that resembled the 3 sisters in Macbeth?  Well those chics won't leave me alone!

So my first date of the '13 cancelled because I was on a mood regulator.  Personally, I recommend everyone take one.  It really helps you not slam into the back of an idiot's car when you drive if you have road fury like I do, or slap the punk ass cashier for telling you her lane is closed after you've already been standing in the damn line for over 5 minutes ... AND her light is still on.  Well I guess you'll just have to ring me up before you take that break then huh?  I mean she SAW me standing there and empty my lil basket an errthang!  Arg!

Anyway, date number two came into the picture on Monday.  With the help of my pen pal, we're on the mutual mission to find me a boo in the '13.  I ended up meeting a really nice guy.  We'll call him Israel to protect his identity.  We emailed each other every day, multiple times a day all this week.  Yaaay us!

Anyone that has Internet dated knows all too well that the life of an Internet relationship is about 3 weeks tops.  So for us to be this cool is a good sign.  Damn those fates!!!  The day I am supposed to meet up with him what happens but I get the mother and father of all migraines.  I mean I literally thought my head would pop off my neck.  I'm not kidding.  The pain was at such a level of intensity I have never felt before.  So I had to ask him to postpone.

He is so understanding and kind.  I am thankful he's not like #1.

One thing I have noticed about men that are online is that they are really pushing the envelope.  I mean my favorite lies are:
"But I'm separated." - Um homie that's not single.
"But I started my last relationship as friends with benefits" - Clearly that worked out excellent considering you're single now.

I mean do they hear what they say?  Do they read what they write?
I'm not asking for a rocket scientist but damn...can you compose a sentence when you're supposed to be impressing me?  I mean you expect me to pull out the bikini or slinky dress photo to impress you...I expect your words to impress me.  Just sayin.  Especially since you don't look anything like Channing Tatum.  Ooooh Lawd Channing Tatum is gon be a daddy.  I can't even talk right when I type that boi's name.  Anywhoo.

So why is it so wrong for me to want to be as attracted to the guy I date as he is to me?  I say it's NOT wrong dammit!  So I have to step up my physical game in order to attract the kind of guy I'm attracted to.  That's going to take a while.  In the meantime in between time, I hope this headache goes away soon so I can meet Israel.  Maybe something will happen there...if the fates allow.


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